Direct / Indirect Discrimination - Instruction to Discrimination and Harassment in the Canary Islands - Lanzarote
Direct / Indirect Discrimination - Instruction to Discrimination and Harassment in the Canary Islands - Lanzarote
(Text Editor, Digitalization - Loredana Maricescu)
Direct / Indirect Discrimination - Instruction to Discrimination and Harassment in the Canary Islands - Lanzarote
Documents List :
- Letter - Complaint to European Comission Bruxelles Belgium (.pdf Romanian)
- Letter - Complaint to European Comission Bruselas Belgiium (.pdf Spanish)
- Process Racism - Insult - Threat :
- Complaint : Pag1, Pag 2, Pag 3, Pag 4
- First Appearance -Suspension-October 21, 2020 (Canceled by the Non-appearance of the Magistrate)
- 2nd Appearance / Suspension 16th December 2021 (Canceled, without justification)
- 3rd Suspension 30.03.2021
- Appointment Apud acta on 29.03.2021 , (2nd lawyer)
- Court Sentence/Decision : Pag1, Pag2, Pag3, Pag4 and (Link Google Drive)
(*** Practice of the Cancellation Notices : Notices Received by Mail 24 Hours Before the date Settled by the Appearance in Court or Telephone Notices)
"Coincidence" : The Resignation of the First Lawyer few days before Court Appearance from 30.03.2021 ***Subtle Repercussions Regarding Witnesses.
- File GC/30150/P/2020 ("In response to the Request ... for a full copy of the file ... and delivered on the same day " -1st Page- . Actually, the file was requested on 7.04.2021, through a Prior Appointment CP / 2021/3469 and delivered on 13.04.2021).
Requests Attached
Prior Solicitation 7.04.2021 y
Confirmation of the Prior Solicitation (requested the file and suspend the term) 8.04.2021
Cancellacion of the Prior Solicitation 8.04.2021 - File GC/30443/P/2019
- Harassment and Abuse of Power : Harassment and Abuse of Power: immobilization of the vehicle, forced removal of customers during the Service, harming me both financially and damaging my image and reputation . Page1 Attached(Acta Levantamiento), Page 2 , Invoice for the Service
- Letter /Petition of the Transparency and Access to Information Commission . Annexes:
- Complaint Form Pag1, Pag2
- Letter to Commission Pag1, Pag2
- Index Attached Documents
- Register of the Request of the 2 files Pag 1, Pag2 : GC30150 requested and received on 13.04.2021, as stated in the first page of the Oficial communication (Real facts : requested on 7th, received on 13th ). Second file requested on 13th has not been Received.
- My Presumed Request of the "Suggestion Form" in order to "Access the File" Pag1, Pag2 (Actually I requested the Complaint Forms )
- Complaint Forms Models (exemplu 1, exemplu 2)
- 1a Request to Stamp - Sign the content of the Files to guarantee Integrity Pag1, Pag2
- 2nd Request to Stamp ..... Registered Mail Letter (+ proof from the Mail Service)
- 3rd Request to Stamp Reg CP/2021/4193
- 4th Request to Stamp ... Reg CP/2021/4343 + Request Cancelled
- 5th Request to Stamp .... Reg CP/2021/4379
- Official Response (from Cabildo ) to my Petition to Stamp and/or Sign the Content of the Files - Responde sent through Mail Services stating the presumed "missunderstanding " of requesting twice the same files. - The "negiljence"of the employee to leave also the RECEIPT (which in theory should Unique) to be return to "Cabildo" - the proof of receipt (Links To : Page1-Official Communication, Page2-OffComm, Page3 - Reply, Page4-ProofOfReceipt-Correos, Page5-MailServices.Correos-w/o timestamp)
"Coincidences" !?:
- 1. The fact that the Invoice for Sepember 2020 from Orange Website . August 2020 - To access certain services or departments of the City Hall (Cabildo), even iwhen you present yourself physically, you have to use a telephone service. Trying to talk to a certain department, we called the number displayed about 14 times, without success, despite the fact that we were present at the door of the Cabildo. Tired of wasting time, we ask for the complaint forms. We later discovered, in April 2021, that the invoice from Orange, which could have been used as proof of hereby mentioned, no longer appears on the Orange website, and the customer / phoneline owner has no option to delete it.. Records from Orange Website and Screenshots whatsapp (imag1 , imag2, imag3)
Other Examples for the Practices & Legislations in Canarian "Cabildo"
- A „Dismissive silence” („silencio desestimatorio”) applied to a complaint against a Canarian Company . As a general practice, the complaints / denunciations of the Emigrants against the Canary Islands companies do not receive any answer and no form of legal / administrative support. (complaint against „Orvecame -Cabrera y Medina”) . Link To Complaint (Pag1, Pag2, Pag3)
- Complaint against 1st Lawyer addressed to the "Cabildo " (based on Canarian Legislation , the first Institution entitled to provide support ), lawyer which , with a fee paid , have decided to retired herself from the process , but not to return the fee . Link to Complaint
Ways to apply Dismissive silence - "Silencio Desestimatorio"
Note :
The practice of Fines - Surprise based on deceptive, permissive legislation. Ex: Traffic Fines, Fines on the Wearing of Masks (Covid-19). Law Allowance to be identified by the Agents, which ca present a report in 10-15 days (not on the spot, based on reminders ?!) and to be fined according to an information / verbal observation that may become in the future sanctions .
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